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Foreclosures are on the rise.

Banks and Asset Managers are looking for qualified REO Real Estate agents to list their foreclosures.

Our course provides the tools and knowledge needed to be successful in this industry along with a complete list of REO and BPO companies to sign up for.


Online Self-Guided Course

Take your real estate business to the next level in this ever changing market. Stop door knocking and cold calling for listings.

Instead, have banks send their listings to you.

We are excited to finally share with you our complete, start to finish, course on obtaining foreclosure listings. How to get them, how to manage them and how to earn a secondary income with BPOs. This course has been developed by one of the top REO Real Estate companies in the nation. With over 30 years of experience in this highly sought after niche, we are sharing our secrets on successfully starting your own REO business. Are you ready?


The REO Academy

Our Story

We are a small, women owned, real estate business with more than 30 years of combined experience specializing in REOs and BPOs. After building our company from the ground up and becoming one of the top REO real estate companies, we have decided to help other agents and brokers achieve success in the foreclosure real estate world.

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  • Accepted with more than 75 REO and BPO Companies

  • More than 30 years of combined experience

  • Hundreds of REOs sold

  • Thousands of BPOs completed

Why the Foreclosure niche is coveted by Real Estate Agents and Brokers


Working with banks means working with professionals. No more overly emotional buyers and sellers you have to hand hold throughout the process. 


Your professional opinion is valued.  Banks and Asset Management firms trust you to guide them in the valuation and disposition process.


Banks and Asset Management companies work on bank hours! No more sellers calling on weekends and holidays and forcing you to miss family time. 


The REO business is one of the most lucrative forms of real estate. Take your real estate career to the next level while working on financial freedom.

Sound like your career goals?



This course is an investment in yourself and your business. We understand the financial commitment you are making and look forward to helping you advance your career.


The first year we opened for business, we began with completing BPOs (Broker's price opinions) until the REO listings started rolling in. We are offering this course for less money than we made in profits the FIRST month in BPOs alone! And, there’s financing available!


We built our business from the ground up, learning all of the lessons and secrets along the way. Today, we are ready to pass this knowledge onto you. 

If we can succeed in this industry, YOU can too.

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I've been in real estate for 5 years and have always wanted to get into the foreclosure business. The course isn't cheap but was 100% worth every penny. I have signed up with every BPO and REO company listed in the course and used all the information to create my profile. I have BPOs streaming in and just received my first REO listing!

Emily S.

Seriously good course with tons of info.

Drew L.

You see a lot of “take this course and earn money” scams online and I was nervous this would be the same case. However, this is probably the most useful information I’ve gotten when trying to get my foot in the door with bank listings. I would highly recommend to any agents trying to get started. 

Lindsey C.

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